Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — THEY SAY? [ARTICLE]

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yen beard ed tba tert-V.e Sy. Ar ! the r-eatd-Bl tc»i» thin** boey n; * «ty, half the coaetp ■=■*« thrß-, If yra trace it hact. yew «U Bad '.'fj U ;tu «Tf.;l«d of "Htj." A cmer—j§ family. m1 a~ toML e And ita jenea-oatcal tree u oW; t For erer can A tec at>l Ear >raa To t-mld up the 'tsta race of man Baa diced the coat of ‘'They." t Coer!; !r :cm aad apreadert of E— ; p—;c> »- .m ad lrap-je A»J rat the brat date ac J th-e Bn- it tales aincl Ttrrt ar-i r.ra Ac; ipwte tie bctjae of 'TVy” They re like Icria tad oerar labor. A They a” crte ;*«* uto mat ' ar< libber Ard ■*;: hie acd pnrate affatra. To the w rid at .arpe tier art acw<>-« .! -.areaTh.ee folia ;a tae be jar of -Hey." It U wholly oaeir* to fcLcw a ‘'They’’ With a whip ;r a put. ter be alipa away And iato hta I rjee. where you cancel go. It U iocAed aod boiled tad (warded K> — Tiua borritir bcuae at —They." Thoocb yen oa-nnot pet In, yet they pet cat Ac J aprrad thetr ridamowa ta.r* abret. Of all the ra» ala under the rjo Wto hara come to pritriafpest aerer oce Bel.r.pa to the bouae of •'They.” —Eua Wheeler WUmx.