Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS [ARTICLE]
Instruments Filed for Record January 22. 1902. T. A. Pettus to E. C. Hobron. bill of sale. E. C. Hobron to J. J. Egan et al. bill of sale. J. Kumalae to J. A. Maguire, deed. G. A. Rowell and wife to K. L. and E H Rogers, deed. S. C. Allen to A. M. Brown, release. Mrs. W. R. Buchanan to H. Hao. lelease. W. H. Hilts to C. Shiozawa. lease. Gear. Lansing & Co. to J. S. Rogers, deed. Tr. Lunalilo Est. to H. Cooper, rei lease. K. W. Cooper et al to Tr. Lunalilo Est.. mortgage. | Nabar to Hirano. bill of sale. Instruments Filed for Record January 23. 1902. Kekahuna et al. to Maulioia. deed. L. F. Alvarez to C. W. Cross, release. Macfarlane & Co. Ltd. to Robt. Laing et al.. bill of sale. Recorded January 14. 1902. Kauhaeku to Yong Wai; lease; Ap | 1. R. P. 72!. Kul. 12718. Waikiki. Ho- [ nolulu. Oahu: ten years at $25. Book i 225. page 451. Dated March 14. 1901. Trustees Oahu College to M. Macin tyre; deed; lot 9, block 19. College t Hills tract. Honolulu. Oahu: SI2OO. i Book 229. page 345. Dated December • 4. 1901. | J. D. Lewis and wife to Hi'o Rail- \ road Company; deed; portion lot 65, Olaa Puna. Hawaii; SIOO. Book 234. I page 31. Dated November It. 1901. ' G. D Supe to Hilo Railroad Company; deed: forty foot right of way ( across lot 190. Olaa. Puna. Hawaii; i $175. Bo k 234. page 33. Dat d Dei cember 10. 1901. Bishop of Panopolls to Puna Sugar , Company. Limited; correction: signa- ( ture and acknowledgment to lease of • piece land. Pahoa. Puna. Hawaii Book 1 225. page 199. Dated Julv 1. 1901. | R. Kaaeae et al. to H. Hackf*. Id & , Company. Limited: lease: Ap 3. R. I P. 1846. Kul 6884. Aps. 1 and 2. R P ' 3456. Kul. 9821 Ap 1 Kul 4878. MaJ kila. Lahaina. Maui: five years at SSO | Bo- k 228. page 453. Dated December , 31. 1901. • F. M Fernandez to Koloa Sugar ' Company. Umtled: alignment of ' 1-ase: water rights in four leaseholds, i Koloa. Kauai: $94 per year, etc. Book 228 pag - 454. Dated August 24. 19"2 K. Kawai to Koloa Sugar Company, Limited; lease; interest in water rights of R. P. 3751. Kul 3351. Koloa. Kauai; twenty years at $lO. Book 228. page 457. Dated September IS. 1901. A. McKeague to Koloa Sugar Com
pany. Limited; l»ase; interest in «*- t*>r r.ghl of R. P. 4792. Kui 3615 Ko'oa, Kasai: twenty years at *45Book 228, pas-.- 438 Dated S a ptem ber 28. 190 L Wi liam Ba !e to Koloa Sugar Com pany, Limited; lease; interest in waR P. 3749. Kal. 3268; twenty y-ar> at B’e>. Bok 228 page 460 Dated December T. 1901 R. Wale wale to Koloa Sugar Com pany. Limited; lease; water rights in R P. 3:4* Kut. 3286 wat~r r ghts in Kali 10272 UIS and 3268. Koloa. Ka■.ai; twenty years at 845 Book -2v page 462 Dated December 19, IS*'!. A K. Mika to Koloa Sugar Com pany. Limited; lease, water right of Kui. *• T Makapala. Kaloa. Kauai, twenty y ars at $• 1 Book 228, page 464. Dated December 30. 1901. K 'loa Sugar Company. Limited to H G. Spalding; lease; piece land; Kaloa. Kauai; twenty years at SI. Book 228. page 465. Dated December 6. 1901. J. Naleimaile to H Isenberg; lease: interest in portion R P. 6238. Kal. 3239. Kaauwailuna: twenty years at $23. Book 228. page 46T. Dated December 6. 1901. T. Pratt, Sr. to H Isenberg: lease: interest in R. P 1408. Weliweli. Koi loa. Kauai; twenty years at S3O. Book 228. page 408. Dated December 7. 1901. Pelani to Punohu; agreement: to convey R. F. 1281. Kui. 1716. and R P. 863. Kui. 839. Book 224. page 490. Dated January 8. 1902. Pelanj to Punohu; deed: R P- 1281. Kui. 1716. R P 863. Kui. 859. Waihele. Ewa. Oahu; $1 and $25 per month during life. Book 230. page 34. Dated January 8. 1902. T. Masuda and wife et al. to H. Renjes; additional charge; three pieces of land. Hauhaukoi. Honolulu. Oahu; S2OOO. Book 230, page 219. Dated January 13. 1902.
E. C. Macfarlane et al. to Royal Hawaiian Hotel Company. Limited: deed: 1 658-1000 acres land. Hotel. Richards, Beretania and Alakea streets. Honolulu. Oahu; $l. etc. Book 234. page 35. Dated November 5. 1001. Recorded January 15, 1902. J, H. Nichols to Mstropole Building Company. Limited; assignment of lease; portion |R, P. 1769. Kul. 620, Alakea street. Honolulu. Oahu: 125 shares Metropolitan Building Com pany. Limited. Book 228. page 470. Trustees Oahu College to P. McClellan & Company; release; lot 10. block 12. College Hills tract. Honolulu. Oahu; $lOOO. Book 220. page 167. Dated January 14. 1902. J. Emmeluth and wife to W. C. Peacock: deed; R. P. 2464. Kul. 5573. Merchant street. Honolulu. Oahu; $11,700 and mortgage $6OOO. Bock 229. page 347. Dated November 29. 1901. J. Emmeluth to W. C. Peacock: h ase; portion R. P. 38. Kul. 721. Merchant street. Honolulu. Oahu; bonus $4BOO. twenty-four years. $l. Book 228. page 470. Dated November 29. 1901.