Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — POWERS GATHER IN CAPITOL AS USUAL [ARTICLE]

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WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE. I Saloon License for Kahului is Refused —Complaint Against Assistant Harbor Master Marx to be Investigated—Kona-Kau Railway. I • At a meeting between Governor Dole and the heads of the various ■ Territorial departments in the Capi--1 tol yesterday morning, besides the ' consideration of the Kewalo matter. which appears elsewhere, several : matters of routine business were considered. ; The application of Wolters, Wald r ron A Co. for a wholesale liquor H- ! cense was approved. Macfarlane A- Co. were refused a * transfer of their saloon license to ! Kahului from Wailuku on its espira--1 tion on April 1. The saloon in ques tioa was situated formerly at Kahului but was moved on account of the plague fires. Owing to he fact that another license had been issued in ! the meantime for Kahului. the retransfer cannot be allowed. 1 An agreement between the Territory and the Kona KAu Railroad submitted by Superintendent of Public Works J. H. Boyd in accordance with conclusions reached at the last : meeting, was approved. ■1 C. Brewer A Co. had presented a > letter of complaint, stating that on account of the alleged Incompetency of Assistant Harbor Master Marx the bark Andrew Welch collided with the dredger of Gotten Bros. A Co.. . causing damages to the extent of ’ $121.73. The matter is being invest:j gated.