Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — ROOT WANTS PRIVATE STEAMSHIP SERVICE [ARTICLE]

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fSrr,. ial Correspondence.] WASHINGTON. D C.. Jan. 11 The action of the Secretary of War in going before the House Military Affairs Committee this week and advocating th" a’.Kilishm-nt of the government transport service across the Pacific on account of its gr"£t ex pense. was something of a surprise, although it was known that Mr. Root did not favor the continuance cf the transports. The Secretary of War asks that Congress authorize the War D-part-ment to make a contract with a private company to carry its supplies and men to ami from San Fran .s o. This will result in the establishment of a commercial steamship lin- be tween San Francisco ami Manila by way of Hawaii, and will therefore give Hawaii an additional mail, fr-.ghl and passenger service. The first supposition was that this new contract might go to the Pm if. Mail SUamship Company, hut it newappears that the f aivf.c Coast Company, a corporation owned by New York and Best- n capitalists, will make a fight for the contract, and that this company has a better she w of success than has the Pacific Mai! Company. The Pacific Coast Company air a iy operates several lin s of steamer- on the Coast, and It also operate-- railroads and coal mines. The claim is made that this company is in a p -i--t»on to put its steamers on th- .San Francisco Honolttlu-Manila linsoon as the contract shall have v-n awarded.