Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — M’KINLEY MEMORIAL’S GREAT ARCH PLANS [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 12. The William McKinley National Memorial Arch AssocUUjr hi vims yielded the field of popular subscrip*i n to the McKinley N> tion.il Me* t.r’ial Association form ! to • rtci a a csument at Canton, ha* prepare! a I which will be introJu.v t in Con-

gress this week as the bv # for its future action This step is tasen af ter conference with prominent Se nators and Representatives and uo-m rhe «inder?*ar-::Qg that Congre-s to provide a -nitabje memorial fer Pres i • t Lirroin and the knowledge t: at it has alr-aiy male an approp .atnzs for a monument here in honor / Gen. Cl>?L The Washington arch at W-thing-ton Square in New York City cost, just as it stands, and without ornn mentation. %22“‘ 000. It might cu:t somewhat more to duplicate if cow >n similar white marble. So that the range of cos - of such a merorial as is proposed for President MeK:n>y may be said to be from a quarter of a million dollars up. according to the size and amount of ornamentation. All that is asked now. however, is that a commission shall be created to select a site, secure a plan, and report to Congress.