Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB WILL GIVE SMOKING CONCERT [ARTICLE]

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The Scottish Thistle Club has arranged the following program for its smoking concert, which will take place tonight at the Elks hall: Introductory Remarks ....Chief Ray "The rank is but the guinea s stamp. "The man's the gowd for a' that.” The Immortal Memory of Burns R. Catton "Well a' be prood o’ Robbie." Song—There was a Lad was Born in Kyle N Kay Pianoforte Selection . .G. F. Davies Ti;e President of the United State' Hon. M. M Estee Song C. A. Elston Recitati >n —Mcßrae’s System S. Beardmore Song—The Auld Scotch Sangs... James G. Brown Address —Robert Burns T. McCants Stewart Song—Flora McDonald D. Clark Highland Fling (in costume! Piper P-. McDonald Murray Their Majesties the King and Queen of Great Britain *. British Commissioner W. R. Hoare Song—Tommy Atkins.. Mr. Thompson Violin Solo—Scottish Melodies.... J. Roseau The I .and o’ Burns Dr. Sinclair "Scotia, my dear, my native land." Song—Scotland Yet... John C. Brown Selection Dillingham Quartet Recitation —Tam o’ Shanter R. Anderson "The nicht drave on wi’ sangs an' clatter.’’ Bagpipes Selection PilH'r R, McDonald Murray "The braw bagpipes is grand my frien’s. The braw bagpipes is fine: We ll tnk’t another pibroch yet. For the days o’ auid lang syne.” The Land We Live In Rev. Ales. Mackintosh "The palm tree waveth high.” Song—Gowfin’ D. W. Anderson The Bar Attorney-Gen. E. P. Dole Song A. Morrison Song W. Goudie Our Past Chiefs G. L. Dali “My loved, ray honored, much respected friend.” Sword Dance —Ghillie Callum Piper R. McDonald Murray The Press Visiting Pressmen “A chiel's amaig ye takin' notes. An’ faith, he’ll prent it.” Violin Selection —Scotch....!. Rosean The Lassies "The wisest man the world e'er saw. He dearly loved the lasses O!” The chairman and toastmaster will be T. M. Ray. George F. Davies will act as accompanist. At the conclusion of the program the audience will stand and sing. “Auld Lang Syne.”