Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — LO! BOYD WILL DIG A DITCH AND KEWALO WILL BE SAFE! [ARTICLE]

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Republican's Efforts Have Not Been In Vain In n lew Dais the Public Ms Decani Will Commence Work On Putting Swampy and Healinl District ■ In a Sanitary Condition.

Would you wallow in Kewalo. > Where the water's never shallow? Would you wish to wade and wiggle, 1 Where mud fish sport and wriggle. Would you want to spend your time 5 In Kewalo’s sluggish slime. Breathing cdors un-sublime? 5 > "The work of putting the district I of Kewalo in a sanitary condition wil! be commenced almost immediately, and when once the work has been begun it will not cease until that muchs talked-of locality has been converted i into as pleasant a part of the city as j any other." said Superintendent of Public Works Jas. H. Boyd, smiling with satisfaction and contentment. ’ last night to a Republican reporter. Victory for The Republican. At last The Republican’s continued and thorough exposures of the un--1 healthful, dangerous and disgraceful ■ conditions in Kewalo are about to ? have their effect and the Department . of Public Works will take hold of the matter and start to remedy the ex- , isting evil which threatens the health and disturbs the comfort of so many t hundreds in this city. From time to time The Republics’.as brought to the attention of the public the insanitary conditions in Kewalo. showing how that district is practically under water most of the time, rain or snine; how the overflow from a fish-pond has been the cause of cesspools becoming obnoxious by their insistent self assertion in the backyards of premises in Kewalo; and how property owners and ; residents suffer daily from the disgraceful roads or canals and the horrible stench which disgusts the citlj zens of that uncared-for district. Work Begins in February. Superintendent of Public Works J. , H. Boyd said last night that work would be commenced early next month. “There has been a great deal said concerning the conditions in Kewalo,” said Mr. Boyd, "and this department ,

If you're anxious to get sickly'. You must move there very quickly. For our Jimmie Boyd's arranging To commence a little changing In the landscape's gurgling mush Of Kewalo's swamps of slush. Where the wilful! waters gush has been well aware of the needs of that district. Heretofore, however, we have been unable to do anything in the matter. Our hands have been more or Jess tie*d and it has been impossible to meet the public demand and begin work on putting Kewalo in a proper condition. "Arrangements have now been made, the Treasurer cooperating with the Public Works Department, whereby the draining of Kewalo will be almost immediately undertaken and the people of that part of the city, when the work is finished, will have nothing to complain of. Had Not Forgotten Kewalo. "Although nothing has been dine to relieve the conditions in Kewalo heretofore, this department had by no means lost sight of the needs of that place. I have from time to time attempted to bring about such arrangements that work could he commenced there at onee. Kewalo is certainly in a very bad condition I am perfectly familiar with the conrtiam perfectly familiar with the conditions there, having madej purpose of thoroughly acquainting myself with what was needed in the way cf draining and placing the in a healthful and comfortable condition.” Kewalo to be Drained. Kewalo is to be drained. Work will be begun within a few days. The construction of the Makiki ditch will be commenced early next month. Superintendent of Public Works Boyd has said so. Superintendent Boyd made this assertion yesterday in the presence of Territorial Treasurer William H. Wright. Arrangements have been

H-ar the yell-o from Kewalo! "Down w ith mud! Away with smell o’ ” Ke waloites have struck it rich— Boyd's about to dig a ditch. Wonder where he got the dough— With the "cash on hand" so low? Go and ask him: I don't know. W F. SABIN. made for the necessary money. Mr. Boyd was asked as to whether the money was, forthcoming. "There need be no worry concern ing the money." was Mr. Boyd's happy reply, "the money part of the proposition is all right and the w-ork will be started in a few days. The money is in sight.” To Begin at Lunablo. The proposed ditch will begin at Lunalilo street and run. byway of Kapiolani street, down through the swampy lands of Kewalo and >o on to the broad Pacific. The Kewalo matter was brought up at the meeting of Governor Dole and the heads of the various Territorial departments in the Capitol yesterday, with the result that an understanding was reached whereby the Department of Public Works can go ahead with the Makiki ditch and the draining of Kewalo without any anxiety as to the financial part of the matter. One Hitch Possible. It is said that there is one little hitch in the proposed great work of sanitation in Kewalo. It is not stated just what this possible hitch is. but it is asserted by those who are deeply concerned that it is not anything to do with the money end of the proposition and that it is likely that this one piece of rough ground, in the otherwise now smooth path way of sanitary progress for Kewalo. will be eradicated so that nothing, big or little, will stand in the way of the good work. There is rejoicing in the land of Kewalo. the inhabitants of that conn try are delighted at the prospect of a clean district and a healthful one. They say; "Bully for Boyd.”