Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — MRS. MARIA HOFFMAN DEAD. [ARTICLE]

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One of City’* Oldest Kamaainas Was Called Away Yesterday. Yesterday forenoon Mrs. Maria Hoffman, widow of Dr. Edward Hoffman. died from old age at her home on Wyllle street at an age of $ years Mrs. Hoffman, who was a native of Maine, lived in Honolulu for over fifty years and leaves a very large circle of friends here. Her nearest relatives here are her two nieces. Miss Burbank, the librarian, and Mrs. von Grmvemeyer of Hilo. In accordance with the request of the deceased the remains will be cremated. The funeral will take place from her late residence on Sunday at 3: SO p. m Rev. H H Parker wil’ officiate.