Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

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Some fine white dlrmond rings in stock. come and see them. G. Diet*. Use the Oliver Typewriter, modern up to-date machine, fitted w ith all the ’atest improvements. Wall. Nichols CoA cosy arm-chair makes a comfortable evening at home, our stock is a large and varied one. The Coyne Furniture Co. When you require a good plumber at the house, telephone White Wl. Oscar Sellers. Beretania street. The S. S. Californian will Mil for Honolulu on or about January- 25th. the American about March 15th. At the Beaver Lunch Rooms you can always depend on obtaining a good tasty lunch. H J IMtC, pr ; Wheels are hard things and dirty to repair, don't waste time on yours, bring It in to C. A. Cowan. Union street. Friends of Messrs E R. Bath and H W, Barth are requested to read their public statement printed in this issue. John A. Massinger, agent to grant marriagre licenses, notary public. Office In Macfarlane & Co s Kaahu mar.j street. Our hot lunch at 12 o’clock every day is putting the restaurants out of business, only 10 cents. The Cambrinus Saloon. Messrs. Wm. F. Wilson Co., the Hading plumbers of San Francisco have located a branch office h~re It the Alexander Young building.

It is said that tomorrow's issue of "Gossip" will be particularly rich. Some interesting things will be said about many well known people. Our macaroons and light biscuits are in great requisition for afternoon teas: you must have tasted them. New England Bakery. Hotel street. Insure your life against fevers and accidents with A. C. Lovekin. agent ter the Territory cf Hawaii for the Traveler’s Insurance Co. of Hartford Buy your wall paper cheap over 50.000 rolls of paper offered for sale way below- cost. The McKechnie Paint and Wall Paper Co.. Bethel street Our bindery is the most complete in Honolulu and the large amount of work always on hand attests to it? • xcellence. The Robert Grieve Pub lishlng Co. The best is always the cheapest in the end. and when a house is know-n to carry reliable goods, it is best to patronize it; see Hoffschlaeger Co.’s ad. on page 5. A good sign is a god business proposition in every way. it makes people look twice and that is the secret of good advertising Get your signs painted by Tom Sharpe, sign egraphist. Union street. Onr turn-out of soft drinks is the .largest in town ali pure and healthy The Arctic Soda Works. White 911 Any supply of stone delivered by -cnlract. excavating and building by ’red Harrison, contractor.