Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — Latest Foreign NeWs Condensed [ARTICLE]

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Latest Foreign NeWs Condensed

The Barcelona strikes have been j renewed Russia has barred the entry of Am- j ericaa paper, A big new tourists’ hotel is to bet built at Santa Barbara. Cal The government of Chile is d-sirous of securing Boer immigrants. I rcliminary work on Los Angeles. Cal . new theater has been begun Henry C. Payne took the oath of office. Jan 14th. as Postmaster General. The xew York Central Railroad is to materially increase its capital stock. The Santa Fe Railroad will spend many millions on roadbed and equipment. The reports from China show an unsettled condition of affairs in that country. Extensive and elaborate plans are! being considered to beautify the Cap- j itol at Washington. The State Board of Equalization j of Illinois has increased the assess 1 ment roll $187,000,000. Judge Grosscup. of Chicago, has ruled that cities can control the price of gas and other utilities. A British transport loaded with mules for South Africa is said to have foundered in the Gulf of Mexico. The United States government has taken steps toward the establishment of a permanent exposition at Shang j hai. ChinaWilliam Fife of Fairlie. on the j Clyde. England, is to build Sir Thomas Upton's next challenger for the 1 America's nip. Secretary Hay lias sent to the House of Represt utatives a request tor a legation building at Seoul. Cort a. to cost $40,000. Massachusetts is one of the only live states in the Union in which no iynchings have occurred during the last sixteen years. Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans has been selected to prepare the naval program for the reception of Prince Henry, of Germany. King Edward is said to have given endorsement to the belief that an early declaration of peace in South Africa may be anticipated. Two libel suits for damages aggre gating $20,000 were begun at Van ecu ver, 8.C.. Jan. 15. in the American courts against the steamer * Rosalie and her owners. Oscar Hammerstein threw a bomb shell into the camp of the “theatrical : syndicate" of New York, by leasing the Theater Republic to David Belaseo. John W. Gates of Chicago has been playing poker again, and this time he did not w in He dropped s2s.o<Hi. • The game was at the Waldorf Astoria, j in Xew York. King Edward has pleased the Welsh people immensely by directing “that j there be addvd to the achievement-

1 of th« Prince of Wales ta- badge of the Red Dragon." Os< ar S. Strauss of New York, for-m-riy United States Minister to Tur key. has appointed as a peri manent member of the Committee of Arbitration at The Hague. The trolley is invading the sacred shrines of the Bible, the Koran and the Vedas, and the day of picturesque pilgrim caravans and the ships of the ' uesert is apparently passing. An atrocious act cf vandalism committed in South Africa on Christmas night was the destruction of the Taa! monument tt Burghersdorp. a town in the disturbed district ia Cape Colony. The Senate Committee cn Commerce has agreed to report favorably on the Nelaon bill creating a new executive department to be known as the Department of Commerce. The Spanish War Department has i promulgated an order prohibiting army officers from marrying unless they are 25 years old or upward and | an income equal to the pay of .1 captain—about $5O per month. Lest-r Hanover was fined $lOOO by Judge Pollard. Jan. 15. -in the First District Police Court of St, Louis. Mo., on a charge of disturbing the peace of Mary Institute schoolgirls. Mrs. Hannah C. Sprinkle, residing eight miles north of Pana. 111., has found a source of profit in being divorced. She has been married twice, divorced twice and allowed alimony I both times, to the e.xtent of $15,000 1 ail inside of two years. When the Transsiberian Railn ad was begun it was estimated that its ; cost would reach 350.000.000 roubles. It has already absorbed 450,000,000, | and it is now believed that the total cost will reach roubles. Prince Ukhtomsky. head of the Russo-Chinese Bank, has dec'ared the three alleged secret documents communicated to the Times. January 3d. by Dr. I'iar. a prominent student of Chinese affairs, to be "a bad joke from beginning to end." The death of the Pope may be ex- ! pected any day. as his holiness can only be said to be just alive. Ten miners lost their lives in the explosion Jan, 15 in mine No. 9 of the Milby A Dow Mining Company, at Dow. i. T. A brakeman who had beth his legs cut off in a railroad accident near Emporia. Kas.. last September, settled with the company on the basis of being taught telegraphy at its ex pense. receiving employment for life and bring provided with a pair of artificial limbs.