Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — Shipping News and Notes [ARTICLE]

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Shipping News and Notes

The doth-s of the sailors of the, S. N. Castle were sent to the Quar-; antine wharf yesterday afternoon to j be fumigated It is said that the steamers of the i Pa ific Mail Company are to b fitted tor carrying large bodies of troops j between San Fran< isco and the Orient The C S Transport Kilpatrick sailed from San Francisco on the 10th for Honolulu and Manila. She is due some time today The French cruiser Le Protet left San Francisco on January 16th for this port where she will remain about ten days. . SAN FRANCISCO. Jan 15—Tbe barkenlme Planter sailed yesterday for Honolulu and the bark Mauna Ala. Captain Smith cleared for the same port G orge H. Whitney and Carl F I-ehners. Federal Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers, left on the transport Kd Patrick on January 16. and are expected to arrive here to-day The Havana Post announces oa the authority of one of the contractors that the work of raising the wreck of the Cnited Stat-.s warship Maine will begin in a very short time. Fred F Ingram, who runs one of Durant’s lunches, has accepted a

I position as first assistant engineer ion the IT.l T . S. S. Iroquois and will en- | ter upon his new duties n*>\t Monday. According to the 1 aris Courier dn ( Soir. the French Minister of Marina has appointed a commission to inquire into the reports of the crimp ing of French seamen at Portland. O. A. E S. Hambflton. who comma"d ed the steamer Gaelic on her last visit here, will go East on a vacation on returning to San Francisco. Captain Finch will take the Gaelic out on her next trip. The names cf two of the local yachts have been changed by their new owners. Sonny Cunha has rechristened the Shamrock ill the Ka- i huna. and Christian Conradt has renamed the Rose the Kaiimana. Agent I- E. Beebe, cf the Globe j Navigation Company, has received word that the Tampico had left Seat , tie. January 12. for Honolulu with fr* ight. She should arrive here today or to morrow During the six months ended December 31 there were built in the ITiited States and numbered by the Bureau of Navigation 717 rigged vessels of 154 073 gross tons, compared with 588 rigged vessels of 179.229 gross tons for the corresponding six months of 1900. , The New battleship Maine is 78 per cent completed, according to a report received at the Navy Department Nava! officials are satisfied sh- can j be placed in commission by February i 15, 1903. the fifth anniversary of the j sinking of the former battleship Maine in Havana harbor A new rule has gone into effect in the Pacific Coast St amship Com pane's service, r-quiring al! quartermasters to have licenses a-- -!•*■ k offi I cers. The new arrangement is designed to place a strong* r *af-guard aliout the lives and prop rt. ; 'trusted to the company’s car* None but i quartermasters h Ming licenses will at any time be in charge of the wh'M. The boys of the Iroqm is are iubi lant over the new* received by th-> V-ntura. Able seaman C Fiaherty. who was on ;h-> gunboat Petrel dur ing the battle of Manila bay. has been recommended by the Secretary of the Navy for honorable meatc<n >n r-cog-nition of the conspicuous bravery shown by Fiahertv in th-.- -ervice of the Fnlted States Press dispatches report that a bottle containing a message thrown into the Mackinaw River in Illinois on Jan 27 1900, his been found n tb coast near Santa Moni. a. Ca! It must have followed the Mackinaw u its confluence with the Illinois and thence floated to the Mississippi and on through the Gulf of Mexico to tu Atlantic Oc»an currents are supposed to have carried the battle around the Horn and up the Pacific

coast, a journey of over 10.000 miles in all. The story of the sinking of thUnited States Transport Sheridan off the Japanese coast with 1400 souls aboard, which was published yester day afterno n in a local newspaper, is not credited in naval and shipping circles. Inquiri-s made at the Naval station and at the Quartermaster’s office failed to confirm the rumor, as nothing had been heard of it at either office. Neither the San Fran cisco Shipping Gnid- nor any of the San Francisco newspapers have any thing whatever about such a disaster having happened to the Sheridan, and no special edition cf any paper had been issued up to the evening ol Thursday, Jan. 18. the time of sail ing of the Ventura.