Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 Ianuali 1902 — LAUNCH IS WRECKED IN HONOLULU BAY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


HOODOO DISPELLER WANTED. Visitors to the Wnlling Bark John and Wmthrop in Disaster Ten Miles Off Honolulu —Rescued by Yacht Vi-kee. If ;»n> one in or around Honolulu owns the left hind foot of a black jackrabbit secured in a graveyard at midnight on a moonlight night, and consequently sure to ward of the hoodoo." he can dispose of the same to a local owner of a gasoline launch. This gentleman is thoroughly timed that he is laboring under the machinations of a busy "hoodoo" and that nothing short of a radical remedy can deliver him of that belief. On several different occasions during the past few months his launch has met with different kinds of accidents. some of which have sorely tried the patience of the ancient Job. The culmination to this series of accidents happen'd yesterday after noon, when a party went out in the launch to visit the whaling ship John and Winthrop. which was anchored about ten miles off the harbor. The trip out was all that could be desired The whaler was reached in due time, and after a pleasant stay on board, the launch started on her return trip, while the John and Winthrop set sail and put out to sea. Everything went well for about 100 yards, when suddenly the engine broke down Only one oar was in the boat and as the tide was rising the launch was rapidly drifting towards the ocean. The situation was a critical one. The sea was smooth enough and the wind was light but the prospect of being adrift on the broad Pacific with nothing to eat, and no liquids but a can of gasoline oil, was none too pleasant The pump was broken and beyond repair upon the high seas But fortunately a rescuing party appeared on the horizon in the shape of the Vi kee After several clever maneuvers. Pnnce David’s yacht captured the helpless launch and towed her back to the boat landing, where Captain C. L. Crabbe and his crew re celved the grateful thanks of the launch wrecked party. ,