Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — ZENDAS CLUB MAKES MERRY [ARTICLE]

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NEW ORGANIZATION GIVES DJNCE PROGRESS HALL THE SCENE OF A BRILLIANT AFFAIR LAST NIGHT. Many Young People Were Present and Every Person in the Hall Wa* Decorated With Lei*—Be tween Dances Gallant Knight* Supply Refreshments tj Ladies. A very successful dance was given last night at Progress Hall by the members of the newly-born Zendas Club. It was an exclusively invita tion affair and many of the prominent young people of Honolulu were present. ' As the tnemb* r# and their friend# entered the hall they were received by a committee composed of T. O'Brien. G. A. Young and J. G. Schlitf. who decorated them with lels. The hall had been prettily arranged with colored streamers and flowers and a Hawaiian quintet, stationed on a platform hidden behind a bower of plants, furnished some very inspiring music. Between dances refre#hm»nts were served, and the first dance given by the chib was a very successful affair and the occasion for an evening of joy and gaiety. The Zendas Club is a social organization of which H. C- Bickerton is the president, and C. H. D Smith the secretary and treasurer. J H. Flynn. R. lament and A Cnambers constitute th- membership committee. At last night s dance J N. Shafer acted as floor manager with T. A. O'Brien and C A. S Simpson as his assistants. Among those present were; W. C. Crook. Miss H McCartly. J H Flynn, Miss M. Burns. J. Schaefer. Mrs Small. H Simpson. Mi.-s F Me Corriston. J. G. Schllef. MUs T Os#. Mrs. C. M Smith. C F. Myhre, Mrs. J. S< haef* r T Smith. Miss C. Kied lin. Mr. Small. Miss E Andrew M Simpson. Mis# C. Dietz. D McCorris ton. Miss H. Lederer. H. C Bickerton. Mrs. A. L. Soule. J A Young Miss H. A. Dellex. J. H. Harrison, Mrs. G Norris. S. Jacobsen. Mrs T. A Simpson. O. Sellers. Mrs. H Z Aus tin. L H. Stewart. Mr R Perkins. Mi## N Borden. B n Vickers. Mrs. E. H. Boyen W N. Fatten. Miss B. Heitman. L Livingston. Mis# M. Madeira. R. Lament. F. L. Garrow, C. F Moore. H. A Oile#. E H. Leonard. C H. Sawver W. H M CMUn H Z. AU'tin E H Boyen.