Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — OF CHINESE [ARTICLE]

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COAST MEMBERS ABE SATISFIED MEASURE PROHiBITS IMMIGRATION OF CHINESE FROM ALL COLONIES. Orientals Bern m Federal Territory Are Included in the Provisions— Senate and House Concur —California Chinese Wi'l Appeal to Washington—Bill in Congress. ’ WASHINGTON*. Jan. I«—At a 'argely att aded m-eting to-day of Pacific Coast Senators and Repre seatatives a final determination was reached as to the course to be pursued on Chinese exclusl n legislation. and the following resolution was adopted. “Resolved, That the Pacific toast Senators and Representatives approve the policy and general provisions of the bill which they have requested Representative Kahn to introduce in the Hcuse and Senator Mitchell in the Senate: but this shall not affect the privilege of any member to perfect the same by amendment." The bill thus to be introduced was agreed upon at the meeting. As finally adopted, the insular section reads as follows: “That from and after the passage! of this act the entry into the Am-ri-j can mainland territory of the United Slates of Chinese laborers coming from any of the insular possessions of the United States shall be absolutely prohibited, and the prohibition shall apply to all Chinese laborers, as well as to such as were in insular possessions at the time oi* times cf acquisition thereof respectively by the United States, or to those who have come there since and those who | have been born there since, and those j who may come there hereafter and j those who may hereafter be born there.” Chinese Make Protest. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14—Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese Minister, and Lee Fov. “Mayor" of Chinatown in Philadelphia. will appear before the Senate Committee on Immigration next Tuesday to oppose the re-enactment of the Chinese exclusion act. which expires by limitation next spring. A mysterious anonymous pamphlet is being circulated among Congressmen and is attracting some attention. It contains in eighty one pag°s substantially a'l the arguments the Chinese Minister has advanced from time to time in opposition to the restriction of Chinese immigration. Minister Wu denies, however, that he is the author or in any way connected with the publication. %