Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — DIFFERENCE AMONG THE ARID LAND MEN MAY CHECK ACTION [ARTICLE]
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14—Senator Bard is pessimistic ngarding arid land legislation. "1 fear.” he >aid to- ' day. “that the representatives of the arid r giens cannot get together in framing a bill that will meet the ap pr va! of sufficient members of Con-> , to insure its passag°. Unfor j lunate difference* have arisen, and , the r suits thu- far in framing a hi” have b--en unsati'’factory 1 canno* , ; ae that I approve of the bill that has ; b=en prepa'- d. and if it i a cr**seat-d lin its p*esent shape I f ar I shall i ha**e to op-o=e it “From what I rsn ’*'arn. there is ar I appar ut rhang of feeling among the
iepresematives of the arid regions, le-kicc toward the abandonment of 11 jg- nera! scheme of arid land reclamk.ion for the b-Mnc the GoTemm nt to go ahead with its thre»- irrigation experiments; but 1 think fhat Is all that will be accomplished during the present session *