Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — ENGINEER HENDY IS SURE CUBS WILL VEX HAWAII IN SUGAR [ARTICLE]

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The man who has the contract for the engineering work and electric lighting system in the Young building, now nearing completion in this; city. S. J. Hendy, of the Joshua Hendy Machinq, Works of San Francisco, w-i® auiont the arrivals from the Coast in the steamship Ventura last night, and is now stopping at the Hawaiian hotel. Mr. Hendy is accompanied by his wife. This is the first time they have visited the Islands, and Mr. Hendy is here as much for pleasure as he is for business. Ms. Hendy w-ill observe the progress of the engineering work in the Young building and he end his wife will make a tour of the various Islands, remaining here several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Hendy will take in the volcano and other objects of interest. .Vr Hendy will also visit the sugar plantations with a view to ascertainii g facts in regard to the machinery in use. “t üba. as far as 1 can see." said Mr Hendy. last night. “Is UVfely to be a source of vexation to Hawaii on the sugar proposition. 1 understand that it is the wish of th? sugar planters in Hawaii to see some arrangements effected whereby Chinese may be ad mitted here for the purpose of working in the cane fields. Cheap labor seems to be the absorbing topic with people from Hawaii whom 1 have met on the Mainland. 1 do not howevo, how the Chinese will ever be admitted. The exclusion law is bound to be re-enacted. ’ I am deeply interested In Hawaiian conditions and hope to learn i something of the Islands before 1 leave”