Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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It Pays to Get the Best Ne matter what you a-e buying it always pays to get the best. This rule holds good in other things as wei;. It pay* to patroriie the best laund'y as it will always give you the most for yeur money. In this case it is the most satisfaction and the least wear to your clothes. You are saving money as surely when you buy good laundry work as in any other commodity. iSiiniliirv Stem Liiiiiiiln Co. • « m LIMITED. ?joo<x»oooocooo<XK>o<>ixxxxxoocoof«oooocoooooococoooooC' California Harness Shop Fort StreeL I- - i* Opposite Cub Stables. nfINUFfICTVJREKS OF ■\ SINGLE DOUBLE DELIVERY EXPRESS » CARRIAGE T r£iti AJV REPAIRING .A. Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. /Vndrevv Usher Co.’s SI'KCIAI Kl< EH VIC SCOTCH WHISKEY ~NONE EQUAL W. O. F=EAOOOK & 00.. 4 SOLE AGENTS. ©>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*>>?>r * The Coyne A I Furniture Co., w IS OFFERING SOME r' u ... . ii i ffTtf" -^3] BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM SETS AT 1 I .. ' j 8 h6liday prices, ; - > -X A j W * 1 WHITE MAPLE. BIUDSEV E _ J * MAPLE. nAK. MAHOOANY. , • A ash. ELM ami PINE. t— -- d li 8 A * a TTlio Progrcse Mock. FORT STREET • >«««««««««<«««< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<R CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL RELIABLE WATGHMEN FURNISHED FOR Buildings, Business Property AND 4 i Residences ALSO Ships and Docks Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE: 1249 FORT STREET. » >nm»m »»»»> I fcEWEKMi £K\\SEM,T\OH I The efficiency, brilliancy, penetrating power ami general -atisfaetion, which our new enclosed type of ARC LIMITS are giving recommend them to the merchant a* thr b<'t light for store use. 4 Jt J* * * M H 5 * * * 8 Mr. C. C. Kakin, of the Imperial Cigar Store, ha* b«cn u-ing » the new arc light for some time, ami 'a;> *: “! find this ncus light • ■ r ;TVJ absolute satisfaction in ctvrv respect arJ I -Vr .• ■ 9 no other.'' J? ft We have manv <rch opinions a' this, but the light i' the g a rcatest recommendation. Can be seen at Manutacturing Shoe 8 S Co . \\;. \V. I » ; nv-r.d’s. Gl-V Cl*-thing S?«>re ami other.'. For g • further information address 3 : The Hawaiian Electric Go.. Ltd. \ J Ivinir Street Near Alakea. S A 8 Vmctmmtc «<<<«<«< ttmit«intrtt

E. W. QUINN PLUMBER Estimate* furnished on Flrst-Clasi Modern Plumblnfc, The Patronage of Owner*. Arthl tecta and Builder* Solicited. P O. Box 1(2. 115 Union 9l

Sang Ch.azx Merchant Tailor TWO STORES. No. 64 Hotel, oyp. New England Bai err, and Hotel street, opp. Hoffman Saloon. Suit* Made to Order in the Latest Style*. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Clothing Cleaned, u*" - * and Repaired