Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NewYorkDental Parlors. Root 4. Elite Building, Hotel Street THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. No Mere Dread of the Dental Chair. Teeth extracted and filled abeolutely without p&ln by our late scientific method*. No sleep-producing agent* or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors in Honolulu that have the patent appliance and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porc-laln crowns, undetectable from natural teeth, and warranted for ten years, without the least particle of pain. Gold crowna and teeth without plat**, gold filling: and all other dental work done painlessly and by specialists. Gold crowns, $5; full aet teeth, f 5; bridge work. fis; gold filling, tl up! •itver fillings, 50c. piATtS Any work that should not prove sat .sfactory will be attended to free of charge any time within 5 years. We are making a specialty of gold rrowns and bridge work; the most beautiful, palnlesh and durable of all dental work known to the profession. Our name alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of the best. t\e have a specialist in earh department. Rest operators, best gold workmen and extractors of teeth; in fact, all the staff are inventors of modern dentistry We will tell you In advance ex actly what your work will cost by free examination. Give us a call and you will find we do exactly as we advertise. NEW TORE DiNTII PIRLORS Room 4 Elite Building. Hotel SL LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. Office open from 8 a, m. to 6 p. m. Make appointment* for evenings. Wela Ka Hao Saloon. QUEEN STREET. JUST OPENED. TOOL DRINKS. FINE CIGARS. Tumble In seme day 1 McKENZIE A THOMPSON. Prop's