Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F. H. Redward Contractor and Builder 42 Punchbowl Street, Telephone BLUE 1701. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Telephone White SOL Jobbing Promptly Attended To. OSCAR SELLERS PLUMBING. Office and Shop: 171 Be r<-tan la, Near Almpml Street rvwpfng Station. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. Why Xot KEEP YOUR HORSE AT THE fjotel fables Where the feed is good, the conditions sanitary, attention kind and prompt, and RATES MODERATE? James Brown, Proprietor FISH MARKET | Wm. J. ARNOLD, Manager. HAH CONSTANTLY ON HAM) A Zl CHOICE LINE OK Immortal and Domestic Meats; Pish; Li *e and Refrigerated Poultry. Butter. Egg*. Cheese, Potatoes, Prints and Vegetable*. Two dellverl** dally to mey plan.’ tltkll limits at I a m and 3 P ni. Oust mera d* airing to bare their orders delivered ar>- respectfully reto call and le%v»- the name prior to the hours abor*- named .Telephone Main 379 ■ ■ ICE .-. ICE Delivered to all parts of the eitv. Oahu Ice & Electric Co. Phone 3161 Blue

FOR ORE WEEK ONLY I WILL OIK i BIG SHIRT WAIST SALE UAST AM. 11l FORT ED r.iM»V>S »>t thp »vi> latest and most stylish fashions.—Don’t U-ijdl. »( will clow on Saturday, Jau. I Mil. 9 * A. A. MONTANO, Prop. | H- F. DAVISON, Mop. i ARLINGTON BLOCK. Thun* Main .All. hotel street. & I p. o. Box 57, 5 r « Get Tour Horses From i Telephone Main 35 3 To Get THU TERRITORY ST.IRLKJ A MODERN LIVERY, np-to dait- In »r< ry particular, first-elms* Warding Klgs del vered and railed for ir any part of the city. S. F. Thornas, Manager.