Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER Simplicity. durability, ipwd and manifolding power art* conceded to bo the tour greet essentials In a typewriting machine. We present to the public THB OLIVER as the latest and most striking embodiment of these features, and the most radical departure from oth*'r methods of construction. Examine this up-to-date machine before deciding upon a pur chase of an inferior make- ■ Wall, ZTi.ob.ols Co, L.td, Agents for Territory of Hawa'i. Tim H. Davies & Co., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. IMPORTS RS OF [»TI General £TQerchapdise COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AGENTS FOR Canadian-Australian Steamship I iu« Lloyds, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life). Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Pioneer Link of Packets from Liverpool A Roof Over One's Head Is a Necessity Use the best Roofing on Earth— READY ROCK ASPHALT ROOFING and keep out the rain. 8 N' FOR SAL 10 l?V The Hawaiian Trading Co., Manufacturers’ Agents. Fori Strert Love I ttiiltlinjr. I ij II II II I II VX I X' xV s'* I a I II II
HART & GO., Ltd. Elite Ice Cream Parlors. Finest resort in the city. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM Male from Fur*- Fruit Syrups. CHOCOLATES AND BON SONS. BASER? LUNCH 1 FRESH MEAT MARKET Supplied daily with fresh killed meats and Vegetables. —also—.. A LARGE GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRUITS, ETC, ETC. Orders delivered to any part of the city. C. a. YEE HOP & CO Corner Beretania and Alakea. Phone Br.rt 25’ Honolulu Iron Works Co ...STEAM ENGINES... BOILERS. SUGAR MfuLS, COOLr ERS. BRASS and LEA J CASTINGS and Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship’s blacksmlthlng. Jon work executed on shortest notice Beaver. lunch. Booms. H. J. NOLTE. : I 5 : Propr. Fort Street. Just received a new iot of celebrated FIVE CE.VT CIGARS New York Capadurae, Washington, Alieton, Union de Cube, Grand Republic Etc.
Fred Phiip&Bro. 629 King St. WRIGHT BLOG. CA K R V A FuU Line of Saddles. Harness. Whips. Collars. Hames. Chains. Soaps. Bridles. Bits. Spurs AND Harness Oil and Dressing. Gal 1 Cure. Campbell s Hoof Remedy. Elliman's Embrocation. H. H. H. Liniment. Etc.. Etc. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN. PHONE BLUE 2G51. Germania + Saloon C. VSSSELO. I p_ 1 BECIEJi. } Pr prt»*«r» 604 Gueen Street, cor. South. Headquarters for Honolulu Prlmo Beer. in bottles and on draught. Always Ice-Cold. We- can give you the best glass of Beer in town. 'l' K V THE ALOHA SALOON OOU'\ BY THE I HOY WORKS For a Good. Taaty Schooner OF BEER. ILEIIE BROS, frowriitirs.’