Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY m » V Tlio Alrat f/ \ 'i w Tin 1 Extra Wear * * The all round satisfaction you get from wearing a pair, of these high grade, perfection shoes. ... When you buy anything, and are satisfied with it. you feel happy with everything in the world. You can only achieve this by wearing a pair of HANAN'S high grade shoes. Mclnemy’s Shoe Stoie. ■m 1 : Me. N TYRE BLOCK. IV ll >. Over Thirty Thousand Rolls to be Sold at a discount of 25 per CENT Less than former prices. VT JL Li Li P JL P E R S JL X* E Wall Paper For the next Thirty Days. All new designs AND new goods. I The NlcKecnie Paint and Wall Paper Co., 118 Bethel Street. PHONE 62. » THE HASH CO.,LTD TODAY Incomes another yesterday, tomorrow will become another todav. don't wait for tomorrow but COME TODAY Hero area few sensible suggestions for Holiday Gifts: Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Silk Hose, Underwear, Shirts, Pajamas, Ties. All the above and many more useful gifts are to be had at The Kash Co., Ltd. TWO STORES—TWO STOCKS. P. 0. Box 858. TELEPHONES: lain 96 and Main 376 23 and 27 Hotel Street and Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. I <v>^ooc^3kokxx>oooc<xx>cxx><xxxxxx>ococ > o<x>c>o<>oo<> / ' • 11l ,1 30 in. l4 lbs. Rails 36 in. Gunge 20 lbs. Rails FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. —BY—II. II M / LIMITED, OCX>C>o<X><XX><X>ooo<X>6ooo<>^<X>o<>sC>oo<>o<>ooo<>ooo