Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Koko Head is Launched. [ARTICLE]

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Koko Head is Launched.

SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10.—An i\«Pt of importance in shipping circles *a> th. launching of the new four-master l»ark» mine Koko Head at W A. Boole a Son’s shipyard at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The bark»*ntice is owned by Hind. Rolph ar Co. of this cltj. and is to be used in the Coast and Hawaiian trade, un der command of Captain W. T. Lewis.

formerly of the ships Henry Vlllard ami K-rnnebec. The barkentine has a length of 255 feet on deck and 220 feet on the keel, with a beam of 42 f*—t an ; depth of 1$ feel. The vessel ha* a capably for carrying I.7s»X*K**> feet of lumber. Immediately after the launching the ferry boat Garden City on her way up Oakland creek, picked up a number of blocks that were turned loose from the ways, and was forced to stop until the driftwood was extracted from her wheel.