Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — WANT TRADE WITH HAWAII [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


UNION PACIFIC ROAD'S PLANS INTEND TO SPEND MUCH MONEY ON IMPROVING ROAD FROM OMAHA. Prime Object i* to Improve Railroad to Secure Trade With Hawaii and the Orient—Many Million* are to be Put Into Improvements and Extension. OMAHA. N*-b., January 11.—The plan of railroad campaigning to be carried out by the Vnion Pacific road during ISuiJ was given out officially today, and will result in the expenditure of from 125.0***i.000 to >.lo.o***'.ooo in improvement and extension, it is a contfnuance ~f the general plan of putting the road in th* - best possible physical condition between Omaha and Fan Francisco, hut the efforts this year will be directed almost wholly to that part of the road west of Salt Ij»'k*' and Ogden and the Oregon Short Din*'. Twenty millions alone will be us*-d in improvements of these lite-s and the remainder in p ishing ih*- • xt-nslon of the Salt I-ak.-l.os Ang.-les branch of the Oregon Short Line, which will be nearly or quite completed before January Ist next. Particular attention, however, will be given to the extensions aud im provements on the part of the Short Line which competes with the Hill system. The prime object, it is said, is to put the road in a position to control th*- immense trade with the Orient that is expected to he opened by the new conditions in the East and Ha wait.