Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — DISTRUSTFUL OF OXNARD [ARTICLE]

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TARIFF REDUCTION ON SUGAR Big Petit-on to be Presented tc Way* and Mean* Committee—Senator P att Talks of Blanket Reduction of T menty-fwe Per Cert ol All Cuban Products. WASHINGTON. Jan. I<V—Reprem ntstiv<s from beet sugar producing stat.-s ar<> getting tog f th*-r for a trig orouiv campaign against Cuban tariff reduction. Several fa< lor* t* nd to oink*- tb ir fight hard, chief of which t ; a p-rst-ful rumor that Rol. rt T. Oxnard h*ad of the B»-t Sugar Manufa liir*-rs' Association, is in league m itii th* 'Ugar trust in trying to secure a reduction of the tariff Ox nan)'* advocacy of a bounty draw bark to Cuban planters aas placed th* trii*- friends of the beet sugar la diistry in a peculiar situation and •■mused no *nd of talV It is declared tn some quarter* that Oxnard and the sugar trust have reached an understanding when by the trusts is to absorb the leading beet sugar factories. Big Petition Circulating. In *pite of this suspected Rank movement, representatives from California .Michigan. X' braska and other sugar states are circulating a je-tl tiun to l>e signed by all friends of their cau-*v addressed to tne Ways and Means Committee, and protesting ngalnst cut) tariff r> do it ion that will injuriously affect or imperil the beet sugar industry. A member of the Senate Finance Committee said to-day that an understanding had practically b-*en r- ached to recommend a "<"• per rent redue•.ion of th* sugar duty Almost aimul taneously with this announcement • ini' a report that Oxnard has said that if his Mrnwhai k bill was not satisfai t.ir> h* would consent to a reduction of 2»‘ |m r cent, but no more. H>* added, it i> said, that such a reduction would not materially affect tin* I” <-t sugar business. Metcalf Opposes Reduction. Kepn •ebtatlvi Metcalf said today that he h pi <1 the widest publicity would b*' gi**n to the fact that the Wav- and M an* Committee would begin hearings on the 15th inst.. and that full opportunity would be given to Californians and all others who desire to l»c heard In opposition to ;• reductf. nof tin Cuban tariff He a !ed flint he would strongly oppose m»v reduction of the tariff. S nator Platt of Connecticut., chairman of th- s* natc Committee on Relations With Cuba, said to nigh' that tin Sen; i.- would not formally c. 11-sid*-r th- matter of tariff reduction cill th* Hiuis* nr. 1 passed upon it. He ha* well-defined ideas on the sub.ii howewr. and ha* not changed his belief that it is impossihl- for Congress ifh'r to grant rone* s.vlouh wh ad b* come efT*‘**tiVi b- f> re th- ••stablfehro* nt of an Ind -pendent govern in nt in the island, or witich shall be conditioned on th*' ir.er* p'-«v-semption that Cuba will reciprocate aft*T sin h government is . stabli-oied. One Blanket Proposition. The proposition Clint Amis fa\or with m*'.“ said Senator Platt. "Is mat a hill be passed granting substantial . on. essions to Cuba, these concession* to bei-oine •ff ctive at such time after th» Inauguration of th" new government as that governm- it shall grant ••r.ua! <-*>ol • ssjons to th" Cnlted Slat* s T o matter ha* not been worked oft, < f course. On*' plan is to g r an'. a blank't reduction of 25 per cent on all products imjs.rtcd from Cuba Another i* to work out a schedule of redue- t rat- * n Cuban imports. differing accord mg to the articles affect--*l. and <on dft'otii .1 on r»H-iprocal reductions on articles specially namt*d. exported from th;- country to Cuba I S*V no r*'as*m why or* or th*' oth-T of tip's, plan* could not be worked out. and the government establish*-*!. in tint* tc gi\. present crops In Cuba lb*I** n< tit of th*' reduction. Cuba'* Friend* Seek Relief. "Cuba's friends in Congr- s> r.**o* Teat - m- relief must be given to the comm- rciai Int-'tvsts of the I*l--a- soon as j«'s.*ihK\ There must hi a r* storativn of »-onfbl'nee there, and some p’nn must In* adopted to prevent j*ara!>sis uf th*' productive Interests, At the same time we can rot give concessions out of baud. W< must b< met half way. I am not in favor of doing our share in the line of making concession* üblcsh we arc assured that Cuba will be a**'-' <nd willing to do her share," Senator Mason of Illinois sai ? tvs L*v that u* \t Moudav. w a ntb S ;i--at. i ‘tiv•■!*• s h*- would ask that th*' Committee on Foreign Relations be discharged from further consideration of th reciprocity treaties with Jatuac.« it* mi "da and other West India countries and that action upon the :**-ai!*s be *aken forthwith by the S< 1 a * He declared that the fra ties shon'd be dipoaed of in some fashion and that continued inaction was a dis. s*< to the Seuat*. uu'' an insult to t'o co*;uiri s with » .rh they were D*gotiallng,