Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fresh Flower VMH Just Arrived. AH Varieties The Hollister Drug Co., L-If\/l IT E Effort STREET. • • The New England Bakery Is loaded np with Good Thing* SCOTCH SHORT BREAD CAKES. ALL SIZES, PRICES and STYLES. PIES just like your Mother used to make. Cookie, Macaroon*. I.ady Fingers. ! Cr*-am Puffs and all the dainty styles j suitable for Christmas. TONS OF PURE CANDY 1 from grade for < htldren ap jto better grades for 50 cent* We ; can furnish you a box of delicious I candle—worth a dollar elsewhere —Don't forget! J. OSWALD LOTTED. PHONE 74. MANAGER.