Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

lowing oSeers were duly elected to serve during tie ensuing y-ar: George X Wilcox -.President. H. A. Isenberg .Vice-President. W. PJoteahau~r Treasurer. J F Klamp Secretary. Amu in Han berg .. Auditor. F. KLAMP. 3l Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS ANNUAL MEETING. Tbe regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Robert Grieve Publishing C*> . Ltd . will be held at the office of the Treasurer. J. H Fisher on SATURDAY. JANUARY 25. 1902. at 3 o’clock p. m. By order of the Board of Directors. EDWIN S- GILL. Secretary. H nolnlu, Jan. 20. 1902. AUCTION SALE IN BANKRUPTCY. On Thursday. January 23rd. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at my salesroom. 65 Qm-hi street. Honolulu. 1 will sell at Public Auction, by order of Mr. H. G. Middleditch. trustee in the estate of J. H. Taylor & Co., bankrupts, the following partially described merchandise. the complete list of which can be seen at my office: Anvils. Tire Up setter. Coal. Bites. Hammers. Clamps. Mallets, Bolt-. Shovels. Calipers. Tire Bander. Round and Flat Bar Iron. Bar Tool Steel. Wrenches, Drill Press. Flatters. Swager, Punches. Pinchers. Wrenches, Desk. Scales, Buggy Wheels. Kims. Oak and Spruce Lumber. Drawing Knife. Bevel, etc., etc. Together with a fifteen years’ lease of the property situated on the corner of Queen and Milinani streets, and th corrugated iron covered building ate thereon. JAMES F. MORGAX. Auctioneer. Honolulu, Jan. y. 1902. NOTICE Ml persons are forbidden to trespass on the fishing rights at Kaika. Waialua. Island of Oahu. Any person trespassing or fishing will b* prosecuted to the full extent of the law. CHINO AKIN A, Least NOTICE. Notice is her >by giv» n that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in the nani of Mrs. S. C. Bertelmann or Mrs. I. H. Kahilina. (Slgnt d i HRS. 1 it K Mill. IN A Honolulu. January 13th. 15*02. MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF INTENTION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the powers of sale contained in that certain mortgage dated October 30th. 1899. made by Cecelia N. Arnold of Honolulu. Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, as mortgagor, to C. Bosse. formerly of Honolulu, aforesaid, but now of San Francisco State of California, as mortgagee, and recorded In the Registry of Conveyances in said Honolulu, in Liber 196. on pages 263 and 264. the mortgagee intends to foreclose the said mortgage for condition broken, to wit: the non-pay-ment of the interest on the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars (12500) the principal sum secured by said mortgage when due. Notice is likewise given that the property conveyed by the said mortgage will be sold at Public Auction at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan. Vuctioneer. Queen St.. Honolulu, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of January, 1902. at 12 o’clock noon. The property covered by said mortgage consists of ail that piece or parcel of land situated on the Waikiki Mde of Mak'.ki Street near Wilder Avenue. Honolulu, aforesaid, and comprising: All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of forty-two hundreths (12-100) of ar. acre situate at Makiki. Honolulu, aforesaid, and being the piece or* parcel of land described In Royal Patent 3690. Land Commission Award 11018 to Wahine. Together with all buildings, improvements. rights, easements, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Terms — Cash. United Stat- s Gold coin; deeds at expense of purchaser. For further particulars apply to HOLMES a. STANLEY. Attorneys for Mortgagee. Dated Honolulu. l>*-cemb*-r 23. 1901. C. BOSSE. Be hK attomer in fact. J, M DOWSETT. ____ _ 4 The above Sale is postponed to Sat. urday. January 25th. at 12 o'clock noon, at Salesroom of JAS. F. MORGAN.

Pin Money Pickles Yun'w ir-ij heard about those pin money pickles—lf not b»- sore to ask aixrjt then »h«-n you are in the store. No other !~-vpl<? can put up pickles likt- Sourh rn.-ra and these are dins t from Virginia, iletter telephone for bottle, to com*- *tth your regutar order. Here are suase of the varieties: Pepper Man2o. Cocnmber Mango. Melon Mango. Burr Cucumbers. Martynias and others. LEWIS ft CO., ltd. 1066 Fort St 240—Three Telephone*—24o.