Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — ONLY FEW ANSWER BRITAIN’S APPEAL FOR VOLUNTEERS [ARTICLE]

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LONDON. Jan. ll.—The British Wpr Otfir is c nf routed with j most serious londitinn of affairs It- . alitor volunteers to r. !i.\e th- r< ci inent- at the front have so fa- met with a ‘-olut-ly no response, aid have -•■r\-e to int-asify the widespread ir -ig.ittiou listing all the volant-er regiments. In th first pla<*e v b;nte: rs answering th > call would only receive a shilling a day. while the yeomanry, in which many volant rs hav*- already enlli-tcd. r ceive fl\. -hi Pings a day. The only th- >1 adlock appiars to be for th\ War OScc to introduce conscription or withdraw new re guiati ns Th* *• hav stirred up strife to an e\t nt which ha a not existed for many a ytar between the Government officials and the voluntary arm of the servic-* and accord ing to many high ctP- ial-. will bank nipt a majority of the regiments.