Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — AN ARMY OFFICER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE [ARTICLE]

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SA\ FRANCISCO. Jan. 12.—Capt. \V J P Horn- -f <ii Ninth Cavalry l'nit- ,1 Stn> ■< \rnvr. mad- a t ion a I an .-nipt to commit sitfriif at Must n anti O'Earrcll streets alu>nt Sj;s*< o'clock last evening by cutting his turoat with a butcher knife. He wont into a butch-r shop «t O’ Farrell ami Mason strrtts and ask-, d the proprietor for the use of one of his knirt s. The man jokingly a«k'd him . if a •>« would not do. That seemed ■ to anger Horn*-, who left the place'll then went into t fruit stan>l next door, a no. seizing a large knife be -aw lying oc a table made several slasher, across his throat with It- He was stopped, howeTtr. before he had fully accomplish*d h>s purixts**, A> the knif.- was blunt the cuts w.-rc not deep.