Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Beet sugar men on the Mainland art* awakening to the fact that Mr. Oxnard will bear watching. He has openly announced himself in favor of tariff reduction for Cuba before the fight begins, hence there is reason to assume that he is working with, and for, the sugar Tuust. This is not the first time that similar suspicion has attached to Mr. Oxnard, and with good reason. One of his brothers is in charge of the Trust’s refinery at New Orleans: another has charge of the Spreckels’ property in San Francisco. and it is a pretty well known fact that the Oxnards make no move in the sugar world without the sanction of Mr. Havemeyer. Mr. Oxnard's hatred for Hawaii is well known and his attitude against Hawaiian annexation Is a matter of very interesting history.