Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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keep Heal) BY DRINKING ROHERT'S Cream of Chocolate A pure beverage of great benefit to invalids and children. YOU CAN GET IT AT Salter's Grocery ORPHEUM BLOCK. /* ' \ The Complete Process r>f repainting a carriage necessitates -■ 'inetimes tbe putting on of a» many as It? COATS of Lead Paint, Filling Paint. Color Paint and Rubbing Varnish, and only then is it ready for the final STRIPING. All Carriages thit are brought to us go through all this a’d more, the old paint is burnt off and every three t-oats of lead are pumice stoned off smooth and when wo let it go out of the Shops—you could not teil it from a new one. Bring in Your Old Looking Chariot and Have it Resurrected. W. W. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER King Street WiG.Irwio&Co —LIMITED—REFINED SUGARS Cube and Granulated. PAHAF1NE PAINT CO.'S Paints. Compounds and Bulldlnf Papers. PAINT OILS, Lucol —Raw and Boiled. Linseed —Raw and Boiled. 1NDUKINE Water-proof Cold water Paint, In side and outside; in white and colors. FERTILIZERS Ales. Cross & Sons’ high-grade Scotch fertilizers, adapted for sugar cane and coffee. N. Ohlandt & Co.’s chemical Fer tllizers and finely ground Bone meal. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed’s patent elastic section* pipe Covering. FILTER, PRESS CLOTHS, Linen and Jute. CEMENT. LIME & BRICKS Agents For WESTERN SUGAR REFINING GO.. San Francisco, Cal BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.. (Manf. “National Cane Shredder" Newark, U. S- A. • OHLARDT & CO.. San Francisco. Cal RISDON IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. San Francisco, Cal Furniture Work a Specialty. All Orders Promptly Executed. SING LEE TAI CARPENTER CONTRACTOR PAINTER 54b King Street Honolulu, H. I. Sun Wing Lung ('o. K. YAU TOUNG. Manager. Corner & King Sts. -RUITS and FRESH OYSTERS by every boat. KONA COFFEE. KONA BUTTER. GUAVA JELLY. goods Delivered Free. cmw runs 1 sin A CYLINDER PRESS, in good condltion—just the Press for a Weekly Paper. Will be sold at a Bargain. Apply at PEPUBLICAN OFFICE.