Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]
St*' classified advertisement for, >ale of cottages. horses, carriages, i etc. S nd your work to the Sanitary Steam Laundry if you want -atisfac tion Ladies’ fine underwear, skirts, etc., made to order. L. J Sun Nuuanu avenue. A portable railway for sale, thirty rnd thirty-six inches guage track, j H Hack feld & Co. A pure grape juice drink is ”Komel." put up only by th? Consolidat ed Soda Water Works Co. Primo I ,ager is pronounced by prominent medical authorities as absolutely the best tonic known. I’s your phon«\ our number is Blue 3171. and our specialties are fresh cr*am. butter and milk. The Star I>airy. Uie the Ready Rock Asphalt Roof mg on alt buildings, makes them watertight and «kI. The Hawaiian Trading Co. There are no two opinions as to the merits of onr new randy store, all candies delicious and fresh. Wall, Nichols Co.. Ltd. Our lines of harness, saddlery and turf goods are the finest in own: good repairing wo*k done. Fred Philp * King stree* Oar furniture store is a good place
to drop into when in search of furni ture or house fittings of any kind. H. H. Williams, Fon street. Here’s something for the boys—yoc tan g t a swell cigar case, .jrd ease and a set at the Hawaiian News Co., the very latest styles. weighty opinions by promin »ni business men in favor of the new enclosed type cf arc lamps b-iag in stalled by the Hawaiian Electric Co Our Eur-ka Wickless Stoves arc just the thing for this country, quick odorless and give out no heat. Come and see one. Th? Hawaiian Hard ware Co. Chinamen are good washermen cut they kill a shirt before its life is half lived. S* nd yours to the Sanitarv Steam I-aundry and you'll have nicer shirts for less money. Old Blackstone Whiskey is a house bold name acr ss the water, it is only lately that it has made its app- araace here. For sale by Jos. H. Hartmann i. Co. Ltd.. Bethel street Out chocolate suppers about 11 p m waen the theater gets out are becoming quite fashionable. Drop tr ? me »veniag and see your friends Hart e- Co.. Elite building It ir ’the widow’s mite" thst is the begir nlng and foundation of a sub--tarcial bank account. Leave ycur “■are money in our care at 41 per cvnt interest. BUaop & Co.. Bankers.