Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 Ianuali 1902 — UNRAVELING THE MONEY TANGLE IN TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


(Special Correspond*nce.l WASHINGTON. Jan. 15—The House Committee on Coinage, Weights and Mea. 'tres announces teat next week it will commence > consideration of a coinage la for *hc Territory of Hawaii to unravel the monetary tanglcthere. Th bill that finds most favor with the ccmmlttee is one that was introduced early in the session by Representative Hill, of Connecticut, and it is also supposed that this I has received the approval of the Treasury Department. Experts to be Examined. Wh-n the committee comes to the consideration of the bill it will cal' before it the Treasury experts who have visited the Territory in the last two years. The expectation is that some sort of a bill will be reported from the committee w : *hin the next two weeks and that a bill can be got threw -h Congress at this session V Hill’s bill provides that silver c. ins that were coined under the I 'aw s of Hawaii, and that are not mu 'tiiat'd or abraded below the stand ard of circulation, shall be received for their full face value in the payment of dues to the Territorial government and to ;h- United States, end that wh-L h» coins come into the possession of the Territorial government or the Unit- d Stales they shall not be paid out again but be sent to to United States mints f'*r r coirage into United States coin. Coin* Changed as Bullion. The coins must be sent to the mint at San Francisco in quantities of not less than J.Vio and mnst b* received at the mint the s,xm-> a? if they were silver bulil n. and in exchange for them standard silver dollars will* be given. Mutilated evdns will be received by weight in quantities of not less than fifty dollars The T.-rri torial government of Hawaii must redeem the silver certificates that have been issued by Hawaii, and >-urh redemption mast take place beI fore 1905. Deputy Wrlghl Resigns. Deputy Sheriff Wrlghl of Kauai has tendered his resignation to High ‘ .Sheriff Brewn TV' selection of a : successor to Mr. Wright has not yet been deter*- * , cd