Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — LARGE “AT HOME” OF KILOHANA LEAGUE [ARTICLE]

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MANUSCRIPT FOR COMPETITION , Names of Successful Competitor* to be Given and Winning Essay. Story and Poem* Head Aloud by Miss Cartwright. The literary circle of thi' Kllohaaa Art F.cagiie will give an “at home" In the rooms of the League in the I‘rogri ss block, on Saturday night, at >* o'clock, at which will be read the manuscripts which have received first mention, and in additional the po«-m which received second mention in the literary competition recently held. They will be read aloud by Miss Elizabeth Cartwright. The I rogram will he as follows: Essay—First Impressions of Matthew Arnold Hanabi K. (First mention). I'm m- Dawn Lethe (K'-oond mention). Story-Father Francis.. X (First mention). Poems—Akuas ..X Canoe Song X (First mention). The nann s .of the ‘authors receiv-l mg first and second mention will be given out before the reading. Tin- committee making (he arrange ments for the event has. by request, laid tlie timi in th“ evening instead of in the afternoon as has previously been th* 1 case with the League’s "at comes,” as the coming oiu- will prob-j cbly te quite a social event. Light refreshments will be served at small tables presided over by the following ladies. Mrs, M M Seott, Mrs, W. G. Smith. Mrs W. F. Frear ‘ Mrs \V. W. Hall. Miss Hurbank aad Mrs s Kinney