Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — HEALTH OFFICIALS AGAIN DISCUSS DRUGGISTS’ BIDS [ARTICLE]

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Board Unitedly Declared for Publicity Id All Its Transactions. KEVILO REXUIHS USTOHCHE9 Question of of Dirty Public Wash Houses Is Deferred. T MC New Physician* Granted Permission to Practice Medicine in the Territory—Vesterday'* Meeting Was Very Brief and Uneventfu' Maui's Hospital P’-osper*. Th-- |ii'-n(i n iif giving publicity to I Ms from local business ronrorns a a* xgvn brought up in an informal niann-r at th*' regular meeting of i • Territorial IVuird of Health he’d >.*sterday afternoon. at the office of Kxf*< utivp I’rwlt. The moot>*o question oripinal-'d by t ( r . >*ipt •>( a (. mmunicatlon from M. bsob Smith Drug Co., druggists, who OhjaiMti d the Hoard to withhold • jndr bid for dm*.- and medical *np idlM -nbmllt-d before that body xnn* months ago from ton general public The firm claimed that com r . ting Arms were desirous of securhr th" figure a* a basis for future tenders At th« meeting cf the Health Hoard the nquest of the Henson, >m;*Drug (Vv was denied, and the Hoard unanimously went on record that aM figure* and information rcla live to the letting of contract* for supplies was it public matter, and „h.;uld be placed at the disposal of •il 1 Interest *<l Competitor* Secure Figures. Tie- matter was Introduced by. I>r. <’ H Cooper yesterday in that he • |ted he had b n Info rated b) the <lrue firm that the representative of h competitor had visited the office of the Hoard of Health and had comI *) e t e d ati evr.et copj of th prlc- list a 11 1 figures Included in the lender ; uni f 1 b> th • Henson. Smith Drug i*o j;■ their last bid for medical supidle- nr Cooper claimed that the firm g nth disliked their figure* ho- • liming the property of another, e* p- eially when engaged in the same line of business. I>v (’riper stated that while he belt. y. a the Hoard of Health had nothing to kc* p secret in the making of ■ .ultra ts. n- verthelcss he thought that a impeting firm should not be l rnn t 1 te take figures from the bids on fil - * in the office. \1! in v (I nera 1 Hole stoutly m.tintair.cd that figures and all such nforp ; 111 were putdic prop* rty af- •• r th" requlrisf time limit Ho fail . <1 to where any injustice had I** eu ’one In the premise*. Information Should be Public. • - Our actions must be subjected to the closest scrutiny in all matters." ns st. Mi I Vile Supposing access • . court files was denied the public .■•ther in person or through the me(Hunt f the daily newspaper*, think of th-- deplorable stat>- of affairs which would -peedlly ensue. The *■ .n' - >;j 1- )*. allowed M k.tow just what is going on. who the successful bulde - tr*-. and what the Territory s required to pay for it* supplies. We hue can,. J authority to any • wspaper publishing th« figures. • on-* qu- ntly how can w*- restrict the •civil*- to toos.* who happen to be • gag a> rivals jn the drug busi--1 • >s | d.i not s,*,* how we can do •tii « -• :iia.i let matters stand as tbey are " v n ■» G-n.-ral Hole'* sentiments nad th-- endorsement of President Sl*-gg l»r CiHipcr withdr-w his obi* ■ • r.> and the incident was aca.n consid’ tvd closed. Session Was Brief. Contrary to expectations the frightiu dsittion of Kewalo's defective cainag system was not taken up. The unsanitary wash houses under outro’ of the government located at :*»■'■ » re ais.* ignored These mat ii r* however may be discussed before •be '.**> upon thi* return of Health itffi. Ur. J S H Hratt. who 1* now '»ai **s a hu ln**'S tnp to Knuai. Mrs. I.cleo Milikaa spbmitled a petition requesting the prlvii go of v it r.g her husband, now confined at ; be I.* per S ttlemcnt on Molokai. T e petitioner was granted leave to visit the place provided she complied w th the health regulations gov rains Mich matters. New Physician* Admitted. George P, Andrews, chairman of • Terr ttorial Hoard of Medical Examiners. favorably reported upon the •ip; s n • f Ur G. N East, a g-ad-»ate of the University of lowa, who desire* to practice medicine in the Hawaiian Isb.nds. Dr. East was form-rly a resident of Rising City. Neb Ur C A Allenbqrger of Shelby. Neb. and a graduate of Rash Modi

cal College. Chicago, was also Issued a to practice medicine. The semi monthly report of Piumle! ing Inspector Keene was accepted. Il read as follows: Number of p-ans filed, 3**; permits issued. 43; inspections made. 134; final certificates Issued. 3$ and sewer connections made. V>. Maiuiant Hospital. In the report of Maluian: Hospital at Wailnko Maul. It stated that the institution was going along on a sound financial basis. The receipts for the year from plantation patients | was UW 50: ward patients. |l4<!.sf>, private patients. s*2 operations ! 125; I-atsn board. 115; the total tv ■ ceipt* for the y f ar being 1358.5 b; th‘expenditure* were reported as s4£o-- j 4 ft . A rash balance of $l2" 75 was shown to eji*t on January Ist. IS*"2 The average number of inmate* found in the institution throughout I the year was IS. Twenty-seven were admltti-d 23 discharged, and 4 died. The committee appointed to Icok into the matter of paiai transports tinn had nothing to report, n* nee the j securing of a vessel to call at Maui j ports for taro and transporting the sam< to the I>-per S -tIK-m-nt n Mo • ‘ Inkai was ordered carried over until i another meeting. *' l ■