Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KALIHI As a Residential Suburb ittraotinir lots of attention since the Rapid Transit Co., built their extension. See the Gufick Tract Before buying buildii g lots elsewhere, a beautiful locality healthy, every facility, electric cars. wate~ laid. etc. Easy terms of payment apply MRS. S. K. CULICK. F=. O. BOX 415. ■' I Oceanic Steamship Co. n It’ll TABLE. The steamers of this line will arrive and leave this port a* Screjclei FROM SAN FRANCISCO. IMI. VENTURA Wed.. Jan. *3 ALAMEDA Sat. Feb. 1 SIERRA Wed. Feb. IS ALAMEDA Sat.. Feb. 22 SONOMA Wed. Mar. 5 ALAMEDA Sat.. Mar. 15 VENTURA Wtd.. Mar 36 ALAMEDA Sat.. April 5 SIERRA Wed.. April 1« ALAMEDA Sat.. April 36 FOR SAN F lAN CISCO. IML ALAMEDA Wed, Feb. I SONOMA .Tata. Feb. 11 ALAMEDA Wed., Not. 26 VENTURA Tuee. Mar. 4 ALAMEDA Wed. Mar. 1* SIEKKA Taee. Mar. 35 ALAMEDA . Wed. April * sonoma Tams Apr.: is ALAMEDA Wed. April »» VENTURA Tnea . Mar « In connection with the sailing of the above steamers the ac- ats are prepared to issue to intending passengers COUPON THROUGH TICKETS by any railroad from San Francisco to ail points in the United State* and from New York by any steamship line to all Eur p-ar p- rt^ FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO WM. G. IRWIN & CO. LIMITED GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO. Pacific Mail S. S. Co. Occidental and Oriental S. 8. Go. and Toys Kisen Kaislta Steamers of the above Companies will t all at Honolulu and leave this port on or about the dates below mentioned FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Agents. Canadian Australian Royal Mail Line. Steamers of the above line running in udawH’tiun with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver. B C. and Sydney and calling at Victoria. 8.C., and Honolulu and Brisbane, G arn DUE AT HONOLULU Fnm Vancouver and Victoria fnr From Sydney and Briohan# for Brisbane and Sydney Victoria and Vancouver MOAN A FEB. to MOAN A JAN 1 O.i or about the dates stated above. THROUGH TICKETS issued from Honolulu to Canada United State* and Europe. For Freight and Passage. *nd all genera! information, apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited. GENERAL AGENTS. Rmerican-Hawaiian B.S. Go NEW YORK TO HONOLULU VIA PACIFIC COAST. THE SPLENDID lEW STEEL STEIIEHS S. S. Obegoman, 0000 ton*, to vail at* nr !'« <•. 20. S. S. OOOO tone, to sail about .January *2O, 190*2. S. S. American. 6000 tour, to hail al*oul February. Freight received at Company'n wba-r, Furty-wtood Street South Brooklyn. at all For Further Partlcalarn Apply to H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. C P. MORSE. General Freight Agent. AGENTS HONOLULU. Goo CHINESE SILKS IN Kirn s EVERY DESIGN AND SHADE. IlU4*< S' CLOAKS. PIANO COVERS, CREPES. CHINESE CURIOS. ETC, ETC