Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — JUDGE GEAR GIVES THE FIRST NEWS OF WILCOX’ CONDITION [ARTICLE]

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“H* Ho! Is Judge G<-.- aboard The great steamship Ventura was n'anng the Oceanic wharf last night from San Francisco and two thousand people packed the wharf to the very edge, awaiting to meet friends and learn the latest news from the Coast, Among the crowd there were hundreds of Hawailans. They were anxious to know ho < Delegate Wilcox was getting along The last news w-as to the effect that he had been extremely ill, but was on the road to recovery. When the Republican reporter call out across the water to know If Judge Gear was aboard, the answer came from Judge Gear, himself; “Hello there! Here 1 am!” “How s Delegate Wilcox?” was then asked. “He's improving,'' came the answer. Immediately the good news was flashed from one Hawaiian to the other and there was much rejoicing over the fact that Hawaii’s Delegate was improving in health. “I wonder bow Wilcox is." was asked scores of times by people of all ; o 11 1 i < a 1 denominations. Th* n some une who had just heard the news would inform the inquirers that the Delegate was better. Aliout thirty minutes lat r Judge G ar passed down the gangway with a host of others. He was pushing and perspiring and acknowledging a hundred welcome? II at once, be sides wrestling w.,h a couple of heavy hand-satchels. “Pleasant trip. Judge?" "Yes! Yes! Beautiful!” said the Judge, panting and bowing and elbowing his way to the gate, where he hailed a hack, sped to the Hawaiian Hctel. secured a room, locked the d; t. turned out the light and jump