Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — HAWAII YACHT CLUB PREPARING FOR RACE [ARTICLE]

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•OATS MAY GO AS FAR AS WAIAU Stan to Be Made Early Saturday Afternoon—Yachts Still Unregis tered—Crews to Sleep and Eat on •card—Mosquito Nets Needed. I 1» has been proposed that all the boats belonging to the Hawaii Yacht Club, which can got away earij on Saturday afternoon, shall continue the ■ regular ran to Waiau. when* a >wim | will be Indulged in at the two pond.- • close to the wharf. Supper will be partaken of there and the cntis* to the chib headquarters -t Pnuloa be Kade by moonlight. There are still several of the boats unregistered. The third-class boats which have b.'en registered up ko January 22 are the Pirate, the Myrtle, the O-io. the Vi-kee. the Mihnnanu. the Makilo anl the Princess. Unless the other boats are registered before the da> of sailing they will be dis