Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — Shipping News and Notes [ARTICLE]
Shipping News and Notes
« n ■ The Albion and transport Kilpatrick j are due from the Coast today. Th’* schooner Robert Searle? I? tak ;ng ballast at Brewer’ll wharf and will soon aall for the C*rast. Sorenson's whart ts being mads rat ’ proof, a force of men having been at wo»k on It for the past two day* I i The steamer Niihau will go to Kt-
unakakai to load two boilers and several thousand bricks. She will take them to Punaluu. A party of marines from the Hyades and Hawaiian were taken in charge by local shippers on Tuesday night and enjoyed a very pleasant evening about Honolulu. Captain Fred Mosher, the poet-skip-per of the Keauhou. is at work on a new poem. It deals with the life of the sailor and is to he entitled the “Skipper's Welcome to Belfast." Two hours after the training ship Mohican had dropped anchor in Honolulu bay, a messenger was sent ashore by the boys with a challenge to the Custom-house sluggers to play a game of baseball, which was promptly accepted. The game will be played Saturday afternoon at the Punahou grounds. The William Nottingham, a ship being built at Ballard, Washington, by the Globe Navigation Company, is now completed, with the exception of the installing of her masts and rigging These will be placed during the coming week, and the lioat will lie ready for launehing. The vessel is ‘J37 f«-et over all and has a 195-foot keeJ. i The shares of the Hawaii Yacht Club, which was incorporated a few days ago. have all been subscribed but four. The articles as filed set forth that I9ti shares have been tak en. making s:i.»2o ..f the $4,000 capi tal stock subscribed. The subscribers are: Twenty shares each for Prince Da’rid and ITince Cupid; .10 shares each, T. W. Hohron. H. P. Roth, l» ,L- Conklinp. Philip 1-. Weaver. Jr., W. K. Dillingham, E. A. Mott-Smith. A W. Pearson. 1,. A. Thurston. Allan Dunn. Albert Waterhouse. Henry Wa tarhouse. C. 1,. Crahbe, Fred Whit ney C, C. Conradt; 5 shares, B. R Panning, one shore *'aeh. J. R. Highby. C. W Macfarlane. T. H. Petrie. O. J. Sorenson. William l.yle. X A. Chapman O. T MoGrew. A. M. Brown. 1- T. Peck, H. E. Cooper. F. J. Am weg I