Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — MUTUAL SYSTEM OF PORT RULES PROPOSED [ARTICLE]

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I, PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS WORK Considers Matter of Tonnage Dues. Subcommittee Makes Suggestions Intended to Protect Commerce—Charges to be Combined. . 1, CITY OF MEXICO. Jan. 10.—The , committ«*e on water transportation of the International American Con- ( fer nc t - will present its report this week The recommendations suggested are those of Volney W. Foster, the American member of th*- commission, and they will be presented to the con-; f*rente in the following form: First—That so far as may be practicable ail ports charges upon ships be combined in one charge to be called tonnage dues and levied as such, due consideration being given to equitable adjustment of such d?ies upon ships In cargo and those in ballast. Second —That gross tonnage of vessels bo taken as a basis for the collection of tonnage dues. Third —That each of the republics here represented be recommended to modify port and harbor regulations so that vessels entering and clearing mav do so witk all possible dispatch and that to assist in securing this result the. respective countries shall en- ' courage the building of most modem discharging facilities Fourth—That for the purpose of promoting commerce and mutual intercourse, a uniform system of maritime and customs administration nomenclature be adopted which shall designate in alphabetical order in equivalent tejms in Kaeilsh. Spanish, Portuguese and IVai h, the comm-vd-ities upon which import duties are veiled to be used by all the American republics for the levying of custom imposts which are or may hereafter he established and are also to be used in shipping manifests, consular advices. entries, clearance petitions and oth*T customs documents, but not to • affect in any manner the right of each' nation to levy the* import duties they may now have in force or which they may hereafter establish. For the purpose of obtaining and compiling official Information and making rec-1 ommendatlons to their respective republic*. there shall be constituted a committee to be known as the "international transportation commission.’ 1 Said committee shall consist of one memN-r from each of the signatory countries who shall be appointed by the republic which he represents