Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — BLOODY ENCOUNTER OF MOHICAN SAILORS [ARTICLE]

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FIGHT ON THE ROAD TO IWILEI.: J A* Result of Quarrel Which Took Place During Trip of the Mohican Two Sailors Have a Lively Firht Behind the Jail. On* of the litfights over seen in Honolulu took place on the ro ad to Iwilei. Just hack of the Oahu prison about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon All Ih* preliminaries pertaining to a regular prize fight were dispensed with There »as no referee or lime keeper and no admission fee was . hargi-d. The participants in the fight were two gallant tars fmm Vncle Sam's navy. who for the past few months bare Nen members of thr cri'W of the training ship Mohican Didn't Speak as they Passed. During the trip of the vessel down the roast, some discussion took place between the two sailors, and one of them aicompanUsS his argument with foul epithets The rules and regulations of the navy prohibit fights of any kind on hoard war vessels, so It was decided that the two men should meet in fistic combat as soon as they got ashore, when a good opportunity was found !*inee that time, not a word has passed between the two gladiators laioks which were not of a friendly character were, exchanged hut that was as fat as their personal intercourse wenf. Yesterda> both men had shore leave and by some freak of fate met in a King street saloon Several giasse< of Prime were imbibed by both sides and, feeling good, the In•ulted man suggested to the other that no better time or place could be found to settle their differences A Honolulu sailor suggested that the Iwilei mad would be deserted both by the police and by curious people at that time of the day, and immediate ly a party composed of half a dozen sailo*’? and two civilians pro i ceded there. Fast and Furious. There was no delay. Arrived at that pail of the road which makes a big Just back of the Jail, and Waikiki of a long row of Japanese* atov»*s. the- two men took off their blouses and ve rts and the fighe be'gan. It was fast nad furious as long as it lasted l.ou Ago* w or Prof. Fox could not have done any better. The men pummelled each other, landed body blows and uppercuts until nothing • !>e could l*t se-e-n oh their faces but red streak? of gore. Three rounds had be*cn touch? and the m<-n were going at each other again, when the guards m the Oahu jail, attracted by the- noise, made- their appearance. The tars mistook them for policemen, and in the twinkling of an eye the two backs which had carried the-m there were spe-edtng towards Iwilei. and. taking tb«- road Just back of the •laughter house returned to town. If Is said that the men's thirst for e*rb other s blood has no* sati.-’ftrd It-

lelf. and that another encounter w ill jk- arranged in a more secluded spot . . t