Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — SAILING OF STEAMER HYADES IS DELAYED BY LACK OF SUGAR [ARTICLE]

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I ' r “ | t Iwalani From Kauai Ports With a Large Cargo Steamer Hawaiian to Stay Here lor Too lays Lomer-Hanalei Goes ■ Go a Special Trip-Mil Gone Boil Hie Freni Yesterday-Langstioremen Shoot traps.

Th* r* w;*« very little doing along wat*rfront j«t‘Tdiy. Th*- railroad a barf was practically dwri'-d owing to tli* lack of sugar, and the Mt steamer Hyaden and Hawaiian »p.-r.t th«- day < Vanin* and painting. Tb*- Hyad*** gives a fresh coat of paint to h* r nia s t.* and. for a freighter pr*>«. nt>* a < 1. an and attractive ap Tb* Hyad*-« war to ‘■ail for Kahului »■ -terrlaj afternoon but th«* sugar not Inina ready, she Is not expected to g* * away Iw-fore n*-xt Saturday. Th*- Hawaiian will be here at least t«-n more days and will rail at La* h.iinn on h< r way t«» N*-w kork Sugar at Kauai. Th* Iwalani arrived from Kauai p'.-ts In ftp morning with a full load

of *• ugar and several passengers Purser Lyons reports fine weather on the Garden Isle, with little rains. Crossing the channel a fine run was made over a smooth sea. When th- Iwalani left there were over 50.000 bags of sugar ready for shipment on Kauai. The steamers Hall and Make.- will be in from there today with full loads. The steamer Hanalei sailed on a special trip to Kahului yesterday afternoon. with 120 Japanese laborers for th** plantations there. Captain , Green of th** Iwalani went in command. as h*T regular captain is away on the Noeau. A large crowd of longshoremen waited all day for the Ventura anti Albion to put in an appearance, but

neither arrived. The natives spent the time shooting craps and dodging the police. When Captain Harry Hint was seen coming down Front street, the men deserted the Oceanic wharf and assembled on the Pacific mail dock. They were discovered, however, and scattered on every side, to meet again later on at the Qtiaran tine wharf. Th*- Austrian barkentlne Alta was towed to the Oceanic wharf and will begin discharging h*T cargo of coal on the waterfront. A busy spot on the waterfront, however. was around the boat bouses. Keats were being cleaned and paint ed, sails were bent and everything put in shape for next Sundays races.