Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — CONSESSIONS TO BE GRANTED TO CUBAN SUGAR [ARTICLE]

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[Special Corkfspoxde \* 1 WASHINGTON. Jan. 11—It Is the opiniop today of three of the most influential members of the Senate Finance Committee that the duties upon Cuban sugar imported into the United States v”i he reduced by twenty-five per cent before Congress adjourns. This reduction will be made to take effect upOQ the establishment of a government in Cuba, and upon that government s granting a cut to manufactured articles sent to the United State.-* from Cuba. The Administration is firmly convinced that this step ought to be taken, and it has been made an Administration measure, with all of the regular men in th* 1 Administration lined up firmly behind it. There are Republicans In Congress —many of them—who are fighting the proposition, and who will continue to fight it. but they are not strictly Administration m*-n. and ar*> far from being in harmony with the Admi* * tration upon many important measii.es. including this one. But the power behind this movement is so great and the pressure from outside sources so immense that the bill seems almost certain, even at this early day. to become a law before Congress adjourns. The fight has been so fierce that it is useless to try to gix*e many details by this mail, as the hearings on the m-.ter are to be opened by the Ways and Means Committee of th* House on January 15th. No representative of the Hawaiian sugar industry has yet asked lor a hearing on the bill.