Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — COLONEL HAYES HERE IN INTERESTS OF A PACIFIC CABLE CO. [ARTICLE]

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“I have come to Hawaii to work on the Pacific cable propositi n. * said Colonel W. B. Hayes, cable man. capitalist and financie >f New York, to a reporter at the Hawaiian Hotel last night. Colonel Hayes had just arrived from New York, via San Francisco, in th-' steamship Ventura. ”1 have come here in the interest of a cable company of New York to study up this end of the Pacific cable work with a view to supplying my company with info, tation which will enable It to place a bid for the con . tract to lay a cable to the Philip pines, via Honolulu, frem ’"■n Fran-, cisco.” continued Colonel K_ye*. ”1 shall remain here until the sth of next month, when I will return to San Francisco, where I have busin- .-s to execute in connection with the same idea. From San Francisco I shall go to New Ycrk and make my report. “During my stav in t„ese islands I shall visit Hawaii and some cf the ■nher islands for the purpose of looking over the grouno Ith a view to selecting favorable landing places for the Pacific cable. I am in hopes that i will Rad a suitable landing place on this island, although it really makes but little difference as the various islands of the group can be connect ed. and probably will be connected with each other as soc as the cable is laid.” .*