Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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★ The OLIVER TYPEWRITER Simplicity. durability. spc*d »nd manifolding power »r* conceded to be tae ftwir grrat e*sentJ*is in a typewriting machine. We present to the pablic THE OLIVER as the latest and most striking embodiment of these feature*, and the most radical departure from other methods of construction. Examine this ap-to-date machine before deciding upon a purchase of an inferior make. Wall* XTioHols Co., Lrfcd. Agents for Territory of Hawaii. - Then. H. Davies & Go., Ltd. SUGAR FACTORS. IMPORTERS OF General ffierchapdise COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , AGENTS FOR Canadian-Australian Steamship Line Lloyds, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life). Canadian Pacific Railway Co. / Pioneer Link of Packets from Liverfoci A Roof Over One's Head Is a Necessity ssX> Use the best Roofing: on Earth READY ROCK ASPHALT ROOFING and keep out the rain. FOR SACK 15V The Hawaiian Trading Co., Manufacturers’ Agents. <5 o 114-r >1 iv**t Lovi* 1 ttii l<lxn<£. 8 s> s'* i o s' S'* S' S' ss \V 8 ft S 8 SN s' S' \y s A> ss s' a .v^wsa/i

HART & CO., Ltd. Elite Ice Cream Parlors. Finest resort in the city. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM Mule from Pure Fruit Syrup*. CHOCOLATES AND BON BON3. BAKERY LUJfCH I fBBH HUT HI Supplied dally with fresh killed meat* and Vegetables. —also—.. A LARGE GROCERY DEPARTMENT FRUITS. ETC., ETC. Orders delivered to any pa"X of the city. C. a. YEE HOP & CO. Corner Beretania and Alak-.-a. Phone Bl' e 25* Honoiviu iron Works Go ...STEAM ENGINES... 8011 ERS. SUGAR MILLS COOLERS. BRASS and LEA J CASTINGS, and Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithisg. Job sfork executed on shortest notice Beaver. lunch. Booms. H. J. NOLTE, : S : s Rropr. Fort Street. Jw- received a new lot of celebrate FIVE ( KM ( Hans New York Capaduraa. Washington, Allstcn, Union de CjO*. Grants Republic. Etc.

Fred Philp&Bro. 629 King St. WRIGHT BLOC. CAR RV A Full Line cf w Saddles. Harness. Whips, j Collars. Names. Chains. Soaps. Bridles. Bits. Spurs AXI) Haness 0 : ! and Dressing. Gall Cure. Campbell's Hoo? Remedy. Eliiman's Embrocation. H. H. H. Liniment. Etc.. Etc. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ON ALL WORK UNDERTAKEN. PHOrMB BLUF. 2651. Germania + Saloon c. i A- BtjUKZH. i Pr P rt '» l)r » 604 9ue«n Street, cor. South. Headquarters for Honolulu Prime Beer, in bottles aai on drajght. Always Ice-CVd. We can give yoa the best glass of Be-r In toara- .. • ■ iLu ; T I* \ THE ALOHA SALOON DODTX BY THE XBOX WORKS For a Good. Tasty Schooner OF' BKE R . ————— JliiiE BROS. Prnriiljft.