Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — An Ingenious Topers. [ARTICLE]
An Ingenious Topers.
An eminent tragedian, given to intoxicants, was once locked up in a room at the rear of the theater to keep him in proper condition till he was called to go on the stage. One door of the compartment opened on the street, and whihj looking through the keyhole he saw a man passing. Calling him up to the door, he pushed some money through a crack and in strutted him to go to the public house at the opposite corner anti procure a pint of gin and a clay pipe, promising to reward him for his trouble. The man did as directed, and when be returned with the articles, the actor told him to pm the stem of the pipe through the keyhole and pour the gin carefully info the bowk These instructions the aecommodat Ing Individual also followed, and the result wa> that when the manager called to notify him of his turn he found him in a iery happy frame of mind, but not at all in a condition calculated to add to his fame as an actor.—London Tit-Bits.