Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — SILVER SERVICE FOR REAR ADMIRAL SCHLEY [ARTICLE]

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I NEW YORK Jan. A—A special to a the Times from Baltimore says; The unique silver service, costing * Jl 0,000, to be prc-Srnted to Admiral , Scfciey by friends in Pennsylvania. ,

New York and Maryland, has bee completed by Baltimore sflrersmith Work on it was began in Jane, IS*> Th<? v ”K» »“ --- ab-wu 2*> > cn and is made of coins taken from ti »t-; k of the Spanish craiser Ci >?• bai Colon sunk by Admiral Schley daz-hip in the battle of Santiago. Ex-Postmaster General Jaxpes J Gary has been foremost in the movi meet for this gift to the Adraira The presentation ail! be made sooi