Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — ARMY IN PHILIPPINES WON’T BE WITHDRAWN [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON. .Tan. 9.—Secretary , Root gave an interesting exposition of , the condition of affairs in the Philip- 1 pines, together with the outlook for * terminating military by civil rule in ; the course of a hearing todav before ' I the House Committee on Military Affairs. in connection with the Army ap- , propriation bill. The meeting was be- . hind closed doors and no exact state- : ment of Roofs remarks was given I out. although the following is under 1 stood to embody the more « -seatial features: . The discussion of the Philippine t conditions was brought about by a c question by Hay of Virginia as to whether civil government could be * "'-’ Titain-'d in the islands without t e r p rence of the army, in reply Root j stated that the army was necessary ( as a moral force to maintain th civil j adn inistraticn now established <