Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — SENATE MAY CUT PHILIPPINE TARIFF [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON, Jan. 0. —Informa t'on obtained from the Senate is that ii’.e Philippine tariff bill will lie so .mended as to reduce the duty on a-titles upon which export duty is Icvi i. so that the total amount paid will not be greater.than the Dingley tariff. It is now said that the tariff bill as present ’d by the House is not favored by the administration, though members of the House when they voted for it believed Chairman Payne of the Ways and Means Committee had been inspired in drawing up its main features. Senator Lodge still holds that a duty equivalent to the Dingley tariff must be imposed, but certain other Republican Senators are inclined to listen to the recommendations of the Philippine Commission and reduce the tariff 23 or 50 per cent.