Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — AMERICAN ROAD TO BE BUILT IN CHINA [ARTICLE]

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NEW YORK. January 0. —An American trunk line from Canton to Hanknow. China —the lone: cherished dream of many promoters —is at last j to he realized through the business I daring and enterprise of a few New Yorkers, backed by the millions of August Belmont. In less than three years Chinese will be able to enjoy the luxury of American dining and sleeping cars between the cities Canton and Hankow, a distance of 750 miles. The great road will traverse a beautiful country, inhabited by twice as many people as there are in the United Stales. The total amount of business for the first year, it is estimated, will exceed $50,000,000. The New York promoters of the road made the announcement today of the organization of a company which is to buiid the road under the title of the American China Development Company.