Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 Ianuali 1902 — AMERICAN FLEET MAY VISIT WATERS OF VENEZUELA [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON, Jan. 10—The overthrow of the Castro reign in Venezuela, which now appears quite possible, will be followed by the dispatch of an entire North Atlantic squadron to the waters of that country. A formidable American naval representation will then be at La Guayra. It will consist of the battleship Indiana, now at Curacoa, the battleships Kearsage, Alabama, and Massachusetts and the gunboat Marietta, all under command of Rear-Admiral Higginson, commander in chief. British, French and German vessels are also gathering in the vicinity of Venezuela, and these nations will be represented at La Guayra in case of trouble. Because the Administration deems it advisable that the senior officer present shall be an American, it desires that Rear-Admiral Higginson shall be with his flagship at the seaport of Caracas when conditions require it. No instructions have yet been issued to Rear-Admiral Higginson to sail to La Guayra. With his squadron he is maneuvering off Culebra island. From Culebra he will sail for Guantanamo, touching en route at a Porto Rican port. The authorities say it is necessary to direct RearAdmiral Higginson to be in readiness to proceed to Venezuela. He is prepared to sail the moment he is ordered to do so.